Disruptive innovation is the term given to any type of concept that will disrupt your corporate culture in the hopes of improving profits and providing benefits that wouldn’t be possible if old methods stay in place. You have to look at the bigger picture in terms of the length of time the disruption will take to run its course as well as the benefits that your business will receive in the long run. The key is to identify the emerging risks and take the actions necessary to make sure the implementation goes as smoothly as possible.

Different Types of Disruptive Innovations With the Corporate Culture

Cyber threats, resistance to new methods or other types of change, and digitization are three of the most recent types of disruptive innovations that have taken the world by storm. For the most part, all three offer exceptional benefits for those who choose to use them. The problem is getting past the disruptions that will have to be dealt with while these new concepts are being implemented. There are many types of disruptions including, public opposition, changes in manufacturing methods, the cost of new equipment and training, and teaching employees how to operate new equipment and work with new protocols.

Emerging Risks

The culture within the corporation needs to be unified so that all aspects of management work together to identify emerging risks and handle them appropriately. Emerging risks are usually identified prior to the implementation of the new system or technique, but occasionally the risks begin to appear as the process of implementation moves forward. Many times the cost of a project can be overwhelming, causing layoffs and financial stress throughout the company. The risks must be dealt with head-on so that their impact is minimal and the benefits begin to appear on the horizon in as short a time as possible.

The Big Picture

It’s important that employees within the corporate structure always be on the same page when it comes to identifying and dealing with any type of risk, especially those involving disruptive innovations. Compliance meetings and procedural reviews should be held often and attendance should be mandatory. With every employee being made aware of changes in the company’s progress, it will allow them to take whatever measures are necessary to keep operations moving forward at a steady pace.

A company’s corporate culture must be able to adapt to changes and risks that are often a part of implementing new innovations and improvements. While the improvements may be difficult to work through in the beginning, the end result will be well worth the stress and frustration if everyone works together. If the corporate culture of the company is up to the task the process will go as smoothly as possible and everyone will reap the rewards in the end.